Monday, June 05, 2006

it is just....

if only u know what i feel right know, it is really hurt. I wanna scream out loud but i can't. I always try to be positive thinking but it's not that easy friend really. You may say i'm a big fool dreamer in a big world. you can laugh at me, or make fun of me. if only there is a way to know what will happen in the future or if there is a place where everybody just feels happy forever. I wanna go there.

Try not to think about it so many times. but why i always think about it? why?? is there something is wrong with my brain?? or i am a shizophrenic? when i sat near the traffic light waiting for the bus i suddenly wondered that our life just like that. All the cars waited for their turn to pass the way. if the traffic light was red they stopped and when the traffic turned green they moved. I feel that maybe now i get the red light. But still i can't forget it.

so you think you've got it all figure out
and you know you can't make it alone
everybody needs somebody to help them out
and you know i could be that someone
and if you ever get lost on life highway
don't know where to go
there just one thing that i want you to know
i am here for you
always here for you


That is the song that i lately hear, what a nice song that i want to sing for her. if only she knows...


At 7:11 PM, Blogger opitem said...

sori baru komen sekarang... tadi pagi mo gw kasi komen tapi kaga bisa... gw mo login k blogger aja ga bisa...
gw suka bgt lagu here for you itu, hmm,,, tapi sayangnya ga ada orang yg bisa gw nyanyiin lagu itu... hehehe...
oiya, analogi hidup kita dgn lampu merahnya juga bagus bgt!! *kayanya gw skrg udah lampu ijo dan harus move on d..*

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