Thursday, March 23, 2006

man in the street

a man wearing a green T-shirt walking through the street. He doesn't know what he's looking for, but only one that he knows that he really want to meet someone. Someone that really love him and care about him. Someone that will bring him soup when he's hungry and someone will take care for him when he's sick. Someone that will hear all the things that he said and will give him advice when he's confuse. Someone that will cheer him when he sad and will encourage him when he's doubt. Someone that will wipe the tears that he cries. And someone that will never leave him when he is lonely.........

The man:"are u the one that i'm looking for???"
Girl :"..............................................................."

o hayo gozaimasu!!!

Man: "3..2....1...okay..."

"Good evening, welcome back again with me Arief Rahman in news flash for today edition, March, 23, 2006. The first news come from Jatinangor University. Many UNJAT students get the bloody fever since the population of Aides Aegepty mosquitoes increases due to the rainy climate. The government have to handle this fever or there will be more students get the bloody fever. that is all news for today edition, i am Arief Rahman, come back with me again tomorrow at the same time on Metro TV, good evening and have a nice day.

hahaha memang gw lg kurang kerjaan jd iseng2 jd news caster. sapa tau g terima fk huahahahaa.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

apa yg kurang?

Selalu ada yg kurang, ya itulah manusia gak pernah puas dengan apa yg dikasih. Kadang rasanya kesel bgt, tp kadang juga hepi bgt. kadang rame bgt, p juga kadang sepi bgt. Belajar terus mau spmb ternyata g cukup. gw baru menyadari hal iu belakangan. Kalo gw rasa-rasa sebenernya yg bikin gw semangat belajar gak cuma gara2 "ngebet" mau masuk fk, tp ada yg laen yg bikin gw semangat. kalo gak salah hal yg bwt gw semangat itu dukungan. beberapa orang mendukung gw bgt, tp cuma gara2 sehari gak didukung ato g di-sms kadang2 kayaknya ada yg kurang aja. belakangan ada seseorang yang selalu dukung gw menghadapi spmb. dari sekedar ngobrol biasa, entah kenapa lama2 gw sangat membutuhkan dukungannya. sehari gak nerima sms kayaknya hati ini ciut bgt. g tau kenapa. btw hari ini gw capek bgt abis praktikum komputer di bandung bermartabat (bersih aman taat bersahabat..eit tunggu dulu ada terusanya..tapi itu teh katanya hahaha). seperti biasa ngetem di warnet tercinta kalo lg suntuk berat. memandangi foto2 temen2 gw yang "bisu". hehehe, kadang kangen, tapi kalo ketemu tiap hari suka berantem?? hahaha.
beberapa hal yg jadi pikiran gw belakangan:
1. terima spmb gak ya???
2. bisa gak ya gw ngebagi waktu belajar spmb ama urusan kuliah???
3. ntar gw bakal kyk gimana ya???
4. apa yg sebenernya gw cari sih???
5. harga gula bulan depan turun gak ya?? (salah!!!itu bukan yg gw pikirin!! itu pikiran ibu2 pengejar diskon!!!)
6. ip gw berapa ya??
7. lebaran tahun depan gw masih di hi apa udah di pilihan gw y??
yah apapun yg trjadi dalam hidup ini sudah diatur yg diatas, gw sih ikhlas aja. karena gw akj sendiri, karena banyak org yg sayang ama gw, makanya gw gak bakal nyerah!!!!!!!!!! fight!!!!!

Bon jovi:

We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference

If we make it or not

We've got each other and that's a lot

For love - we'll give it a shot
We're half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear

Livin' on a prayer

yeah!!! hidup bon jovi!! loh kok???


Still don’t know what I was lookin for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I’d got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I’ve never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I’m much too fast to take that test

(Turn and face the strange)
Don’t want to be a richer one
(Turn and face the strange)
Just gonna have to be a different one
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time

I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
They're immune to your consultations
They’re quite aware of what they’re going through

(Turn and face the strange)
Don’t tell them to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the strange)
Where’s your shame
You’ve left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can’t trace time

Strange fascination, fascinating me
Ah changes are taking the pace I’m going through

(Turn and face the strange)
Oh, look out you rock ’n rollers
(Turn and face the strange)
Pretty soon now you’re gonna get a little older
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can’t trace time

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Mungkinkah kau tahu

Rasa cinta yang kini

Membara yang masih

Tersimpan dalam lubuk

Jiwa ingin ku nyatakan

lewat kata yang mesra

Untukmu namun kutak

untuk melakukannya

Mungkin hanya lewat lagu

ini akan kunyatakan rasa

cintaku padamu

rinduku padamu

tak bertepi

mungkin hanya

sebuah lagu ini

yang slalu akan


sebagai tanda betapa aku

inginkan kamu

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mengumpulkan semangat&pulang kampung

yayayaya, mesti kudu harus dan wajib semangat!!!!!! cayooo!!! bwt diri gw sendiri hehehe. Coz gw akan menghadapi beberapa tes berat di tahun ini.mesti banyak2 berdoa pada yang diatas (Allah SWT). coz kalo dia udh berkehendak semua bisa terjadi. Gw jd inget film yg tukang bubur naek haji. duh tuh kata2nya ngena bgt. "Kalau Allah sudah berkata Kun Fayakun maka terjadilah" kata salah seorg utad di tv. gw berharap bgt Allah meridhoi gw tahun ini utk berjuang di "bidang lain". Sebenernya sih agak berat coz mesti belajar tiap hari, ngurangin waktu ngewarnet, ngurangin maen, gak nyewa film lagi huhuhu, dan gak maen game dolo huhuhu. Tapi gpplah, yg penting usaha dolo!!!! semangat!!! wah btw bsk gw bakal balik ke lampung coz ada beberapa urusan yg mesti gw kerjain. Lampung i am coming!!!