Holiday in my Hometown
Gw sekarang sedang menikmati liburan gw di kota kelahiran gw, kampung halaman gw tercinta Bandar Lampung. Biasanya seh temen2 gw dr luar Lampung bakal ngira kalo gw itu piara gajah seperti layaknya piara Kucing ato Anjing (upps tidak bermaksud menyinggung neh hahahah), dasar gemblung!!! jelas2 Gajah ntu binatang yang dilindungi. Ntar kalo ada flu gajah gimana?? kan kita pada repot.
Well pengalaman gw di kota Bandar Lampung koe tercinta ini, gw udah melakukan tugas gw sebagai anak UNPAD bwt promosi ke SMA2 tentang UNPAD. Bahkan SMA gw ndiri SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung pun udah gw kunjungi, yah sempet cupika-cupiki dengan guru2 juga. Then gw sempet ngunungin Sekret KIR gw tercinta bareng Bima, Bobi, n Rahmat serta Ari ntung. Yah jadi inget masa2 SMA dulu waktu gw jadi pengurus. So many things that we have through. So pasti gw ngunjungin temen2 terdekat gw. Bertemu juga dangan keluarga2 gw, then menelpon beberapa temen2 gw. Trus wisata kuliner lampung juga hehehe. Dll dah.
Rencananya gw bakal balik ke Jatinangor tanggal 6 Malam. Sebenernya maunya tinggal disini aja tapi udah tuntutan, mau pinter emang mesti berkorban seh. Banyak yang berubah. Perubahan sikap dari temen2 juga bisa dilihat, cara berpenampilan mereka juga udah jauh beda dengan SMA. Yah mungkin udah pada Tua kale. Tanggal 7 Februari ntar gw mesti ngisi KRS. Kalo gw pikir2 emang rada sebel juga. Notabenenya UNPAD sebagi univ. yang cukup terkenal ternyata masih rada "GAPTEK". how poor i am...
Sempet juga ngerasa bosen coz suka gak ada kerjaan di rumah, n kalo pergi dengan temen2 tujuannya gak jelas, masa ke Mall?? ke Gramed?? maen biliar??? yah kalo gitu doank mah males. Tapi yah dibetah2in aja.
Kabar terbaru alias news flash. Gw baru aja pasang kawat gigi, berhubung gigi gw yang depan tumbuh dengan biadab jadi rada tonggos. Sebenernya sakit banget pake kawt tuh. Nyiksa. Gw ampe susah makan. Tapi o gimana?? masa calon diplomat gignya tonggos (ngarep hehehe). yah segitu aja deh updateannya daripada gak diapdet malahan ada yang blognya ditinggalin???
Ada lirik lagu dari Dido yang Life for Rent, belakangan lagi sering gw dengerin berikut cuplikannya:
I haven't really ever found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind
that your heart ain't exactly breaking
It's just a thought, only a thought
But if my life is for rent and I don't lean to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
I've always thought
that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone
and live my life more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
Cos there's really nothing left here to stop me
It's just a thought, only a thought
But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well how can I say I'm alive
If my life is for rent...
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind
that your heart ain't exactly breaking
It's just a thought, only a thought
But if my life is for rent and I don't lean to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
I've always thought
that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone
and live my life more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
Cos there's really nothing left here to stop me
It's just a thought, only a thought
But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well how can I say I'm alive
If my life is for rent...
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